Last year was amazing. I got to see more of the world than I ever imagined I might see in my lifetime, connecting with a diverse range of people and places, allowing me to see things beyond the narrow lens that social and news media offer. I’m so grateful for the time I got to spend with friends and family too, starting to grow roots back in my hometown after years of moving all over. 2024 also opened my eyes to the tragedy of how we treat those with the least in Seattle, answering the phone on the Tenant Resource Line for six months showed me things are worse than I ever imagined. Witnessing hundreds of people enter homelessness each month is devastating. Much like my travels, this experience also gave me a more full understanding and broader perspective, no longer blaming landlords or the government for the circumstances, but seeing the complexities that make pointing fingers a waste of time and energy.
It’s easy to let one or two things entirely out of my control that dominated the news and social media over the past year lead me away from looking at all the good and drawing a less favorable opinion about the year as a whole, but I refuse to do that. When I focus on what is within my control, what is going on in my life, what I do with every precious day, it’s impossible for me to have anything but gratitude for the past twelve months.
Looking ahead is funny. Every year I set some intentions and without fail things go completely differently than I intended. Nevertheless I am compelled to sketch out some sort of goals, knowing that life will of course introduce unexpected twists, turns and opportunities likely to yet again make my intentions irrelevant.
For the year ahead, I want to challenge myself more - both physically and mentally. I want to do my best work, striving to make positive contributions to society, and take better care of my health. I hope to continue seeing the world, both places familiar and new to me. I want to give my relationships with family and friends the attention they deserve, these are the most valuable things in my life. Through all of these, I intend to walk with purpose. Taking life seriously has never been a problem for me, if anything I take it too seriously. And yet, I sometimes shy away from challenges. Growth is tricky because challenging myself too much can lead to impossible, perfectionist, expectations that result in inertia. Instead, I have to push myself to do my best work knowing it will inevitably be flawed, but still worthwhile.
I’ve been careful not to mention specifics because another intention of mine is to stop announcing when I start things and focus on sharing them once they're finished. This gets tougher because so much of what I start doesn’t get finished - if a project falls in the woods and no one hears it, did it ever even exist? In the nine days that currently comprise 2025, I’ve already started and abandoned one project - and I was foolish enough to announce it on social media when I started it. I don’t see anything wrong with trying things out and realizing they’re not for me or failing at them - it is always a valuable learning experience, so I guess if I can’t help but announce something, I should at least include a disclaimer that in the coming days I might abandon the endeavor entirely.
While I abandon a lot of endeavors, I’m grateful for the things I’ve stuck with. For example, 2025 marks my 24th year as a member of the Dave Matthews Band Warehouse fan club and today marks my 500th day sober - a change in my life that has given me reason to live and tremendous gratitude for the recovery community I am part of. I’ve also been writing this blog for over two years.
Ok, I’ll set one specific intention for 2025: I want to visit Laurel, Mississippi.
Happy New Year!